Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ko (2011) -- Language: Tamizh

Ko portrays the life of a photo-journalist and his news agency "Dhinna Anjal", whose life gets intertwined with the political candidates of the upcoming State Elections (Tamil Nadu). Some Naxalites are out to cause chaos in the State as well...But who will win the election? And who is behind the Naxals? 

The good:
  • Technically glossy from start till finish and simply entertaining
  • The protagonist Jeeva looks suave as the photo-journalist who oozes charm and wit
  • Engrossing screenplay with enough twists and turns till the very end
  • A brilliantly shot climax fight sequence. This is one place where the slow-motion works real huge. Way to go!!!
  • "Enemo Edho", the pick of the songs in the movie..lush locales, fresh faces and charming steps
  • Did I mention entertaining?? ;)

The bad:
  • 3 songs to break the film's pace and the audience's patience (grrrrrr!!)
  • A totally needless flashback sequence with a ripped-off song singing you a lullaby
  • Dance steps in the song "Amali Thumali" intesfies the look-at-me-i-am-a-dancing-monkey feel of the lead pair
  • You may tend to start hating Harris Jeyaraj even more, since he seems more open about his "rip-off" skills

My Say:
The blemishes being on the lower side...and for an audience that has seen 60+ aged uncles dancing with girls their grand-daughter's age, the songs should not irk you much!!

"KO" is this summer's first entertainer for Tamil audiences...sure to be a huge huge hit!!!
My score: 8/10